Welcome to Risk Mentor Fatigue Management

Business Input - Focused supervision for safety critical repetitive tasks


Supervisors with crews required to perform repeating tasks that could have major consequences (e.g. fatalities) if done poorly provide additional levels of support for workers



  •  Supervision levels are allocated for safety critical repetitive tasks
  • Training in and assessment of required supervisory skills is provided to supervisors with workers performing these tasks
  • Additional measures (such as technology solutions) are evaluated to support supervision of safety critical repetitive tasks


  •  Trained supervisors are deployed on crews where safety critical repetitive tasks (SCRT) are being performed
  • Mentoring and monitoring supports workers conducting SCRT
  • Technology is deployed and maintained to support workers conducting SCRT


  • Supervisor records are reviewed by others including functional workers (HR & H&S) who prepare summary reports for review by more senior site managers
  • Training records are kept for supervisors and refresher training conducted as required in line with their Training Needs Analysis

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