Welcome to Risk Mentor Fatigue Management

Business Input - Fatigue management during emergency and crisis management


Work hours are managed when responding to emergencies



  • Emergency response plans include a consideration of any additional work time that responders may be required to perform
  • Ergonomics of various types of rescue are considered and an appropriate time for maximum deployment developed, this will include:
    – Reduced time for responders facing heat, requirement to wear BA, etc
    – Consideration of cognitive load by responders and rescue coordinators (with options for rotation/relief)
    – Provision of on-site resources for fatigue relief (nap rooms, break-out locations etc.)
    – Identified resources are provided for in site Emergency Response Management Plans


  • Emergency responders are trained in requirements that include controlling fatigue during a response
  • Larger drills include a debrief component that assesses fatigue and other stressors on the people and plant deployed
  • Rescue coordinators are provided support and relief as appropriate to manage fatigue of decision makers as well as responders


  • Reports on emergency responses (actual and drills/exercises) are reviewed by senior management to confirm adequate resources are being deployed and will remain available
  • Audits of the emergency response capacity on site include an assessment of preparedness to mount a response without over-taxing site workers and plant.  Recommendations/actions arising from these audits are provided to senior management for inclusion in site planning/budgeting works


  • Nil

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