Welcome to Risk Mentor Fatigue Management

Required Operating State - Company processes consider fatigue hazards

Processes consider the hours of work, roster design and source location (i.e. required commute distances) of workers on site. The approach applies to direct and indirect employees.

Credible Failure Modes

Average weekly hours: 35-40 low, 40-48 hours medium, 48 to 56 hours high
Total hours over a three month period: < 624 low to medium, > 624 high
Daily work hours: up to 9 hours low to medium, 9- 12 working hours high
Regular and predictable hours low. irregular and unpredictable hours, short notice of schedule, extended overtime, on call across shift cycle medium to high
Period at work: < 10 hours low to medium, < 12 hours medium, > 12 hours high. Caused by: * Supervisor attendance for shift handover. * Long staff hours including travel commitments. Consider long staff hours and include their travel commitments
Time of Shift: Day shifts low. Afternoon shifts medium. Night shifts high
Speed and direction of shift changes – noting: Forward rotation (morn/afternoon/night) low. Backward rotation (night/evening/morn) medium. Slower rotation (weekly/3-4 week) high. Or – compliance with a single piece of guidance (e.g. a single clause from an applicable regulation)
Shift end after 10 pm and before 6 am high (for those working 8 hrs or more). Fatigue hazard high
Sequential night shifts: 6 or more 8 hour shifts high fatigue hazard, 5 or more 10 hour shifts high fatigue hazard, 4 or more 12 hour shifts high fatigue hazard
Other work commitments (for example having a second job). No other work commitments – low. Additional work commitments (second job) – high. An example is harvest time for employees who own farms

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