1. BI-02S.05 Protocols for the calibration of key measuring equipment - Expectation
Measuring and position monitoring equipment is calibrated.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 1 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-02S.05 expectation not apply?
1.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
The site should have clear requirements for regular inspection and calibration testing of measuring equipment. This should include on site regular inspections by a qualified worker and use of an offsite provider for confirming the measuring equipment still meets relevant standards. Calibration of equipment should also cover any technology deployed, such as position systems and autonomous steering control systems.
1.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Site workers are trained in the use and testing of measuring equipment for pressure, braking, and other measures related to maintenance of equipment and measurement of as built conditions. Work orders are in place and issued by maintenance planners.
1.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. Comments could include how Work orders are closed out by maintenance planners on measuring equipment, and how there is a process to confirm the competence of personnel undertake measuring/surveying tasks.
1.4 - List relevant documents
Please list relevant documents.
1.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach relevant documents.
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2. BI-04P.07 Refuelling Practices - trained personnel follow site refuelling procedures - Expectation
Refuelling of mobile equipment is productive and safe.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 2 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-04P.07 expectation not apply?
2.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Operating sites have refuelling procedures covering functions such as:
- Operation of fuel transfer systems
- Refuelling of vehicles, equipment and fixed plant - management of interactions between service vehicles and operating vehicles
- Replacement or changing of fuel cells or storage tanks
- Housekeeping in refuelling bays and requirements for inspection of fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers
Emergency procedures including spill response
2.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and assessment in Performance Management elements - including site rule and requirements.
Compliance with site signage, procedures and legitimate instructions.
Supervisors and Operators complete appropriate forms on performance and skills based issues.
2.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. Comment on items such as the competency checks for the training system and skill currency of refuellers.
2.4 - List relevant documents
Please list relevant documents.
2.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach relevant documents.
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3. BI-04P.11 Protocols for working on equipment in production areas - Expectation
Personnel undertaking servicing, maintenance or recovery work on equipment in operational areas are protected from mobile equipment and other workplace hazards.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 3 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-04P.11 expectation not apply?
3.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Clear requirements for trades and service personnel to protect themselves from moving equipment (and other energy sources related to their tasks) when working in production areas.
3.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Trades and service personnel meet site requirements for working on equipment in production areas - with placement of windrows and warning signage, and other measures implemented.
Designated in pit work areas.
Communication protocols with pit controller and supervisor.
3.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. Comments could address how maintenance and production supervisors monitor trades and service personnel to confirm required procedures are being followed when working in production areas.
3.4 - List relevant documents
Please list relevant documents.
3.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach relevant documents.
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