1. BI-01S.50 Introduce technology to support existing fatigue management approaches - Expectation
Task performance expectations are clearly communicated at task allocation and then reinforced over the shift.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 1 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-01S.50 expectation not apply?
1.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Comments could address Site review and planning processes to consider technology to support existing fatigue management approaches, sequence steps followed, trial results, implementation project execution plans.
1.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Comments may cover:
- Details of a project execution process are prepared and executed - addressing the key requirements of the specification.
- Worker (equipment operator) involvement occurs to optimise the deployment of the technology.
1.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. Comments could cover: Fatigue monitoring results are prepared in a report for review by senior site executives and how trends in on or off site report fatigue events are reacted to
1.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
1.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents here.
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2. BI-01S.51 Fatigue status data send - Expectation
When fatigue monitoring systems are fitted, they capture and send status data for analysis and monitoring.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 2 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-01S.51 expectation not apply?
2.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
When fatigue monitoring systems are fitted, they capture and send status data for analysis and monitoring.
2.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them? Monitoring approaches are developed and implemented - with a preference given to off-vehicle monitoring (feedback via dispatch or an approved 3rd party)
2.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. Reports on fatigue events are reviewed by supervisors and more senior personnel on site. As required health and performance management interventions are used to reduce the number and intensity of fatigue related loss of control events.
2.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents .
2.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents here.
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3. BI-01T.50 Fatigue alert alarms - Expectation
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 3 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-01T.50 expectation not apply?
3.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Fatigue monitoring systems include an audible and tactile alert function that is confirmed and functional during late stage commissioning works. The fatigue monitoring system with associated alarms is included in the site maintenance strategy for the items of plant on which it is installed.
3.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them? Implementation information could include how vehicle operators are trained and assessed to confirm competence in understand the meaning of, and required responses to, fatigue alerts, and how supervisors and leadership team members are informed of the alarm system and required responses to events.
3.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. Comment could address how reports are prepared for the senior site executive and responsible managers on fatigue status across the site and the status of any vehicle operator interventions in progress.
3.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
3.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents here.
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